Emily M. DeArdo


30 Days of Beauty

30 Days of Beauty: Day 8

30 Days of BeautyEmily DeArdoComment

Today is a really beautiful thing--my sister's birthday. :) 

She is a beautiful person, indeed. I'm so glad she's my sister. 

It is also this lovely lady's birthday, my cousin, Diane. She also lives in Houston, and I'm celebrating with her today, as well! 

The happiest days are when babies come.

--Melanie Wilkes, Gone With The Wind 

(And my sister's namesake. Not kidding.) 

Book recommendation: 1000 Gifts, Ann Voskamp. 

Beauty Will Save the World

30 Days of BeautyEmily DeArdoComment

The election is in 30 days. 

Are we all tired of it yet? I am. 

So here's what I propose: 30 days of beauty. Thirty days of things that feed our souls, instead of dragging us down into the political muck. Thirty days of the true, beautiful, lovely, and good, as St. Paul says. Starting today. 

It might be a photo, a book recommendation, a quote, bits of music...but there will be something here that hopefully will inspire you and bring some beauty to your life in the midst of a lot of chaos and ugliness. 

Here's today's, from Ann Voskamp: 

And some music: 

See you tomorrow!