Emily M. DeArdo

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Yarn Along No. 38

So, I can purl! Behold, an almost finished stockinette stitch project!

I have to do five rows of knit stitch and then cast off, and then it's done! Yes, I am crazy proud of this one. There are a few mistakes, but this was 1) practice and 2) for me, so I'll just deal with it. 

I can't decide whether or not I want to do another project like this, or try a basketweave washcloth, in prep for the basketweave scarf project. I feel like I want to secure my purling skills before I tackle basketweave projects, but I don't know if I want to do this same thing again. Maybe I'll try a stockinette stitch bookmark or something to shake it up a bit. 

I finished  North and South yesterday--great read!--and now I'm on to the book of the moment, or one of them--Rising Strong. A lot of my friends are reading it and I'm sort of late to the party, but I'm enjoying it so far.