Daybook No. 99
Outside my window:: Sunny, blue, and a few puffy clouds. We had big fat raindrops a little earlier, but they were the kind you can easily dodge. Rain has been more the rule than not around here this summer, which means everything is very green and the grass grows incredibly fast.
Wearing:: a grey tiered skirt from Garnet Hill and a Coldwater Creek tank top. I'm going work around the house, in addition to writing, so I want something comfortable and easy to move in.
Reading:: Mansfield Park, Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching, Middlemarch, Lisette's List.
In the CD player:: Audrey Assad's Fortunate Fall. An amazing album.
Daily rhythm:: I've been messing around with a horarium all summer. One of the things I love about monastic communities is the daily rhythm they always have. I like schedules--I always have. So on the way back from Charleston I started thinking about this in earnest.
I like having set times for prayer, so I have the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00, and Office of Readings before or after that; and I have vespers at 5:15, and rosary either before or after that. Lauds and morning devotions depend on when I get up, and I usually do them after meds and coffee. I have to be somewhat awake before I start prayer. Recently I've been doing my spiritual reading in the morning after lauds, which I like. Writing, cleaning, and errands fill in the gaps. Dinner can be whenever I want it, which is nice, but I usually eat around six or so. I also have a rhythm for housekeeping, too. Monday/Tuesday are general cleaning days, and each week has a certain "focus." (kitchen, bedroom, master bath, etc.) This way each room, in theory, gets a deep cleaning and clearing out each month.
Knitting:: More on this tomorrow but I did finish a scarf, and I've been winding some yarn from hanks into balls, so I can actually knit with them.
Writing:: The book proposal was sent off to the first editor on Monday (yay!), so now I'm just waiting to hear back, although I'll start prepping the next one to be sent out. Some places don't mind if you've sent out a bunch of proposals at a time, and some houses want you to do it one at a time. So right now I'm sticking with the one at a time method.
Emma is the next entry in the Jane Austen Re-Read, and Mansfield Park is up on Thursday.
Living the Liturgy:: The feast of St. Mary Magdalen is tomorrow. She's one of the patronesses of the Dominican order, so I'll have to celebrate appropriately.
This week:: Summa class tomorrow; Powersheets for August on Thursday; Christ in the City event (adoration) at church on Friday evening.