Emily M. DeArdo

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"Girlfriends" Podcast Is Live, and "Living Memento Mori" Is a Lenten Reading Pick!

Some book news for you!

First, my interview with Danielle Bean is live! You can catch our conversation about my book and life and other things here. It was great to be on her show—I’ve loved Danielle’s writing for a long time, and she’s a fellow Steelers fan.

Second, Kathryn Lopez (who blurbed my book, see above) recommended my book in her National Review post on Lenten Reading. If you’re an NRO-ite and have been for awhile, you will understand why I’m excited to be in The Corner!

If you haven’t picked up your copy of Living Memento Mori yet, you can do so here.

How’s everyone’s Lent going so far?