Trivia night victors!
Guys. Stop waiting to do things.
I see this a lot with transplant people--or people with CF--but also with people who are just nice, normal people.
"Oh, I'll wait until later to do that."
"Oh, someday...."
"Oh, it's just not right right now."
If you want to go to school, go.
If you want to learn something, learn it.
If you want to bake cookies all day, do it at least once.
If you want to learn Spanish, sign up for Duolingo.
Stop saying, Oh, when this happens.
Nuh uh.
Yeah, sometimes it's not plausible. I get that. Sometimes you have to save money. I get that too.
But then DO IT. Save the money. Make it happen. Dedicate yourself to it.
Don't wait.
Don't use your body as an excuse not to do things. "Oh, I have crappy lung function, I can't go to school, I can't work, I can't do anything by lie here and watch Netflix."
I've been there. Before my transplant, I slept for 13 hours a day. Seriously. If not more. When I was "awake", I was sort of zombie-fied. And that's what happens when you're close to death.
But EVEN THEN--I went to work. I went out. I saw my family and friends.
Yes, when life changes, more opportunities can open up.
But you will lose your life waiting around for things to happen.
Learn the things. Do the things. LIVE YOUR LIFE. Even if you're almost dead, you can STILL LIVE YOUR LIFE while you have it.