I know some of you have been asking about my Stitch Fix posts, and they’re back! Yay! I forgot to do one for my April fix, because it came right after I got back from Denver. Actually, it had come while I was in Denver so I had to hurry up and try things on! So no time for photos. But it was a good fix and I kept two things from it.
This fix was even better—I kept everything! Yay!
If you’re new here, Stitch Fix is a personal styling service. Here’s how it works:
Stitch Fix is an online styling service that delivers a truly personalized shopping experience, just for you. Fill out your Style Profile and a personal stylist will hand pick pieces to fit your tastes, needs and budget—and mail them directly to your door. Each box contains five items of clothing, shoes and accessories for you to try on at home. Keep what you love, send the rest back in a prepaid USPS envelope. Shipping and returns are free—even for exchanges!
The Style Profile is really detailed--it's just not stuff like your weight and height. They want to know as much about you and your style as possible, from how much skin you like to show, to your proportions, and what kind of trends and styles you'd like to try. You can even set a price range for individual categories and ask them not to send certain things. For example, in my Style Profile, I ask for no bracelets, rings, or just about any type of shoe other than a flat or heel.
There's also a place to add a link to your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest Style Board, so your stylist can get a feel for what you like. Finally, there's the "style note", where you can ask for specific items, talk about events that are coming up (I mentioned my brother's wedding in the spring), or generally discuss your style or anything you'd like to see in the box.
So, after you fill out the Style Profile, you will pay $20 as a styling fee. This is taken off any items you decide to keep in your Fix, so I look at it as a down payment on whatever's in the box. Keep in mind that a real person will personally select all five items that come in your box for you, based on what you've told him/ her.
To see all my previous Stitch Fixes (including what happens when you’re not happy with your stylist), go here.
So, this time, I was sent outfits, really. It was the normal five pieces, but they seemed to break into three pretty clear outfits—two tops, two skirts, and a dress.
I still don’t have a full-length mirror here at Orchard House, so I persuaded my dad to take the photos. Hence, the quality is…..iffy. (I love my dad, and he has taken some really good photos, but it’s not his favorite thing to do.) I’m wearing my Maritime Navy Rothy’s with everything. (And yes, I LOVE Rothy’s, they’re much better than Tieks—more comfortable and you can wash them!)
Outfit #1:
41 Hawthorne Eliee Lace Detail Mixed Material Blouse, $54.00
French Grey Rani Brushed Knit Skirt $44.00
So, first off, this skirt has POCKETS. That made me love it right away. It’s also really soft material and in a different print—I don’t have anything with these colors, at all. I loved it with the blue top, which could be worn with jeans, or with skirts, and if I throw a cardigan over it, it can go to church or anywhere professional. Also, the fun detailing keeps it looking fresh and unique.
Better look at the detailing
Verdict: Kept
Outfit #2
41 Hawthorn Ezide Textured Print Top, $58.00
Colette Mali Brushed Knit Skirt, $44.00
This is probably my favorite outfit of the three. I love this coral-pink color and the skirt is, of course, awesome. (Can you tell I love a good skirt?) Again, this top can be dressed up or down, and the skirt can be as well—I could wear a t-shirt with it, or something dressier like this.
Verdict: Kept!
Outfit #3
41 Hawthorn Neal Dress, $68.00
OK, so OBVIOUSLY, the first thing here is, I Need a different bra. OR I need to wear a cardigan over this.
But, that obvious note aside, I did like this. I didn’t think I would, but I did. I have a cardigan (from J. Crew years ago) that will work over this until I find a proper bra. But this is a fun, lightweight summer dress that is unique enough to stand out and yet classic enough to wear it places without feeling like a fashion victim. (Does that make sense?)
Verdict: Kept
If you’re an old hand at these posts, you know that you get a 25% discount if you keep all the items in your fix. So, even though at first I wasn’t nuts about the dress, it was worth it to keep it, because it was essentially free. The $20 styling fee is deducted from the price of what you keep, as well.
I was really pleased with this fix. My stylist has been hitting it out of the park lately, so I’m very pleased with that.
If you want to try Stitch Fix yourself, here’s the link. You get $25 toward any purchase, and I get $25 toward my next Fix. Stitch Fix also styles men and kids now as well, and it’s available in the UK! Yay!
If you have any questions, hit me up in the comments box!
Also, just a note. If you want to make sure that you’re getting all my posts as soon as they’re published, and don’t want to rely on your newsfeed on FB, then subscribe to the blog! You will get all the posts when they’re published, a monthly newsletter (“Notes from Orchard House”, which is not a blog post!), and all the book news first! So you get the first bite at the apple for beta readers, giveaways, any sort of special book things, as well as news about pre-orders and speaking engagements and all the fun stuff!
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