From my IG feed….
We’re reaching the end stages of my work on the book—yay!
So, after I wrote the draft, and worked with my editor and a copy editor to correct that draft, I’m now woking on the proof. The proof is when the book has been typeset and designed—so all the fonts and headings and all that are in place, and it’s starting to look the way it will look when it’s published. This is my last chance to make any corrections to it!
My baby printed out—it’s set to the trim size of the book, so that’s why it’s not a whole page of text.
So, what’s proofing? Essentially I go through and read it all again, to make sure that the people who type set it didn’t leave out sections, that everything is spelled correctly, that my notes are correct (meaning, my citations at the end), and that the notes themselves are put in correctly, and that everything is accurate. A copy editor at Ave Maria Press is also looking at this for things like style and heading consistency, but since I also edit, I generally just looked at everything that wasn’t right!
The proofs are due by October 7, but I finished them up today. Now I have to send them to the editor so we can get them into the current digital file at AMP.
The publishing date is getting closer!!!!