Emily M. DeArdo


Blogmas Day 9: Best Things from 2021

blogmasEmily DeArdoComment

Obviously meeting Patty was high on this list!

Favorite Memory: Meeting Patty!

Best thing I read: Go Tell The Bees that I am Gone *

Best new habit: Barre workouts!

Most Memorable Adventure: Amish Country! (all posts here)

That sky!

Song on Repeat: “Immanuel’s Land” (Audrey Assad) and “This Could Change Everything”

Milestone celebrated: 16 years post-transplant!

Best meal or recipe: Kolaches in Houston, and the food in Amish Country!

biggest change: My sister is pregnant and little Maddie will be joining us NEXT WEEK!

Most beautiful sight I saw:

Mel’s ultrasound, and…Patty :)

“Who is this weird person taking my picture ?”

How about you—what were some of your best things?

Christmas music: “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”, Judy Garland (From Meet Me In St. Louis)