Emily M. DeArdo


Madeleine is one month old!

MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

Madeleine, my niece, is ONE MONTH OLD! I can’t believe it. I’ve been an aunt for a month! My sister and my BIL have been parents for a month!

Melanie (my sister) and Jason (her husband) are doing such a good job. They are just loving the pants off this little sweetheart and are such good parents. It makes me so happy to see them with their daughter. It really is strange to see my little sister as a mother. It makes me proud, but it’s also like, you were just this age! And now you have a daughter! (Cue “Sunrise, Sunset”)

Currently, Maddie likes her pacifier with her little Longhorn Buddy (Jason went to the University of Texas), being snuggled, EATING, and naps. She is also crazy alert and when she’s awake she wants to know everything that is going on! She loves her swing as well, which is funny because her mommy did too. And she likes music and loves when Mel and Jason sing to her.

She very much dislikes her baths, which I’m hoping she’ll grow out of, because baths are fun! She also does not like being burped because she just wants to eaaaaat.

So, that’s the Madeleine at one month dossier. She is just the cutest little person and I love watching her grow!