Emily M. DeArdo



Happy First Birthday, Miss Madeleine!

family, MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

I can’t believe we’ve gone from this…

To this…

Her smash cake is a Hedwig cake!

What an incredible year it’s been!

Dad and I went out to Denver to celebrate Maddie’s first birthday (Mom has a broken leg, so she didn't make the trip—thank goodness for FaceTime!). She had a Harry Potter themed party—my sister went all out and did a fabulous job creating a magical day for Madeleine!

The party table with the house scarves I made for Maddie’s sorting!

Maddie was sorted into Slytherin—though some people were calling for a re-do, saying that she was a Ravenclaw because she sat on that scarf—and greatly enjoyed eating her chocolate Hedwig cake.

And she very much enjoyed her presents (Aunt Sarah got her the Harry Potter PJs!)

Tunnel also from Aunt Sarah, Uncle Bryan, and Hailey!

Yes, there was Baby Lit.

Happy birthday, Miss Madeleine! We’re so glad you were born!

Blogmas '22 Day 6: Maddie's First Christmas

blogmas, Madeleine, family, ChristmasEmily DeArdoComment

It actually ended up being a first Christmas for both my nieces—Hailey, as I wrote in an earlier post, wasn’t supposed to celebrate hers until next year! But she decided she couldn’t wait and had to have it now.

She spent her first Christmas Eve snoozing on my chest, which I have to say is a great way to spend Christmas on my end.

But for Miss Maddie, who is almost a year old, her first Christmas was very exciting!

She loved her Advent calendar—the little figures with their velcro backs were very intriguing to her (and sometimes they got stuck on her clothes!). She loved playing with them and placing them on the nativity scene.

She also had a couple of trees—one in her room:

And one that she could play with:

It had a train and ornaments too!

Her Advent/Christmas corner!

Madeleine did go to see Santa! She wasn’t scared of him, I don’t think, more…intrigued.

And YES, Santa commented on her missing boot! :) Maddie is still fighting against shoes and socks.

And they went to see the lights at the zoo!

For her first Christmas she got….a tricycle! That’s foot powered! I have never seen one of these and I think it’s adorable.

My sister made some great meals, which of course Madeleine enjoyed.

She wants food, lots of food!

And her birthday is at the beginning of January, so it’s going to be party-palooza for Maddie over the next week or so. In my opinion she had a highly excellent first Christmas!

Maddie: Eleven months!

family, MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

In less than a month, Madeleine will be a YEAR OLD! In the words of Mr. Mom, “I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it!”

She’s had a big month! She’s had her first Thanksgiving….

She clearly loved it all.

She wondered at her parents bringing a tree into the house…including a little one for her!

And she has her own Advent/Christmas corner—she loves playing with the Advent calendar characters in each day’s slot!

She and Duke the Dog weren’t too sure about this light up, dancing Santa that Daddy gave them…

She met Santa….

And saw Christmas lights…

So basically it’s been a huge month for Maddie.

She’s been crawling like crazy, pulling herself up, and growing by leaps and bounds. I cannot wait to see her next month for her first birthday party! And most likely, by then, she’ll have a cousin! (My brother and SIL are having their first baby basically anytime now. :)) In one year, my niece quotient has doubled, and I am pretty darn happy about that.

Mommy and Maddie at the doctor’s :) Maddie is, as usual, cheesing. :)

Monthly photo gallery:


family, MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

I cannot believe we are INTO THE DOUBLE DIGITS with Miss Maddie.

(Yes that deserves all caps.)

Cheesing at Target.

A big event in her life this past month was a visit from my parents—her Grammy and Poppy!

There was much reading of Five Little Pumpkins!*

And snuggles and kisses in general….

We also celebrated our first Halloween! Maddie was a little Hermione, and they went to Trunk or Treat at their parish.

Here’s the update!

Maddie is/can:

-fit in 18 month clothes

-growing lots of hair

-has a “cheesy” smile (her new nickname is Cheese)—see top photo :)

-still 6 teeth

-climbs on blocks!

-pulls to stand

-got her first flu shot and doing well


-her blocks

-moving in general

-her crib; she’ll chill in there for an hour after waking before whining

-the Command Center!

She likes food and she cannot lie.

-eating (she LOVES chili and hummus)

-any toys that spin

-Doggie and Kitty (Kitty is more active so Maddie likes that)

-going outside for walks

-going out to eat

-going out in general


FaceTime with Auntie Em :)

-reading (especially “good morning God” and “five little pumpkins”)


-changing table

-being left alone

-being tired

-sitting in the car/ stroller and not moving

Books are good!

Photo gallery:


One month

Two months

Three months

Four months

Five months

Six months

Seven months

Eight months

Nine months!

Happy Halloween from Miss Maddie!

MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

Baby Hermione wishes you a very happy Halloween and All Saints’ Day. :)

Last night Maddie went to her first Trunk or Treat at their parish! She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go—she refused to get into costume initially—but eventually she decided that it sounded like a good time.

She’s also greatly enjoyed playing with the pumpkins! There was even a trip to a pumpkin patch (more on that in her monthly write-up.)

Happy Halloween!

Maddie: Nine months!

MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

Maddie is nine months old!!! I cannot believe this. I know I say that every month, but watching her grow is such a treat.

Here’s the report from her mom:

Maddie can:

Can walk with assistance

Stand/ Walk against the couch

Is way more vocal!

Recognize her name!

Has found her ears and nose… likes to put fingers in them!

Has grown a ton of hair

The hair is fabulous.

Has 6 teeth!

Is turning pages of books

Can drink from an open cup!

She might like hummus. A little bit. Maybe.

Fits in size 18 month clothes

She likes:

Doggy and Kitty; she gets so excited when she sees them and tries to throw Duke his ball

Maddie and Duke, best buds.

Command Center

Hook ‘em, Horns!

Picking grass

Alone time in her crib


Falling off the couch and mommy catching her


Auntie Em likes them too, because she can take picture like this that clearly show the chompers.

Taking selfies

Looking in the mirror/ photos of her

Smacking noises

Splashing in the tub!


LOVES the lights to be turned on and off

Does not like

Sleeves; never

OK she might not like sleeves, but I ADORE this photo.

To be put down

Being left alone

Getting her face washed

Her changing table, especially when she’s tired

Monthly photos:

Maddie: Eight months!

MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

I cannot believe that Maddie is EIGHT MONTHS OLD.

Time is surreal when it involves kids.

Here’s what she’s up to, from her mom:

Maddie can:

Sit for a long period

Stand with very little assistance

Trying to bounce!


Use utensils

Use her voice.. loves to scream and babble

Now drink out of an open cup and a 360 cup (by herself!)

She puts herself to bed now

Trying to crawl toward Bella (the cat) and pet her

Know the words “mama” “doggy” “bottle” “night night” “daddy” “bath”

Maddie likes:

Audio books


Her “command center” (it’s a sort of baby gym—she goes in the center and she has toys all around her in the circle, but the bottom bit isn’t stable, so she works on her muscles while she’s playing )

Fishy and Sophie of course (toys :))

Her stacking blocks

Using utensils herself! Don’t help her!

Going out to eat

Car Rides

LOVES Doggie (Duke their dog)

Lemons and limes


Looking at herself in the mirror

Maddie does not like:


Being overtired

Put in stroller (initially or when it’s not moving)

Face being washed after meals

She likes limes and she cannot lie.

Maddie and Duke

Monthly pictures:

Maddie: Seven Months!

MadeleineEmily DeArdo2 Comments

Brace yourselves, everyone. Maddie is seven months old. Ahhhh!

Here’s the monthly update!


Sit up for a good amount of time!

Blow raspberries and babbles a ton. She loves blowing raspberries!

Getting really close to crawling!

Mama thinks she’s getting another tooth, and she has her first dental appointment!

Say Maaaaaa….we think :)

Feed herself!

Recognize people in pictures

Playing peek-a-boo!


Giving Duke some of her food. (She’s eating some solids, and she will drop things for Duke to eat. He loves it.)

FOOD! We love food!


Here she is her in favorite chair! She can sit here and supervise whatever Mama is doing.

Seeing people. She’s so, so social. And then talking to them.


Her pool

Watching English Premier League with Dad on Saturdays

Still loves playing with her feet

Going outside

When grandma (our mom) blows bubbles at her on FaceTime!


Adventures. She goes on a lot of them. Car rides are so fun!

She and Duke are very good buddies. (Duke is their dog)

At the local coffee shop with Mom and Fishie!


Being ignored, ha!

She doesn’t seem to like bananas—as in eating them as they are. She likes them pureed, and she likes to play with them, but eating them? Nope.

Cold food—still not a thing she enjoys!


When she can’t see her mama—although with the peek-a-boo playing she’s getting OK with this. :)


One month

Two months

Three months

Four months

Five months!

Six months!

Last Saturday :)


Madeleine, transplant, familyEmily DeArdo4 Comments

Me and my first niece, the Maddie Bear!

There’s something about this transplant anniversary that just hits differently. Maybe it’s because it’s seventeen, which is getting up there in transplant years, and it feels more remarkable. I think it’s because some big things have happened in this transplant year.

My sister became pregnant, had Madeleine, and I got to meet the sweet little girl, who is my first niece! Then my brother and his wife announced they too are pregnant, with a girl, so I’ll have two nieces by the end of January 2023. Wow!

Something about nieces just hits differently. Maybe it’s because of the genetic connection. Maybe it’s seeing my siblings become parents. Maybe it’s both? It’s undefinable, I think. It’s just a special thing, to be an aunt. It’s different than being a godparent, which I also love!

How can you resist Patty? You can’t.

And I turned 40, which, to be honest, wasn’t something I was sure I’d see. But I did.

When I was twenty-three, my sister hadn’t met her husband. My brother had met his wife, but they weren’t dating. Diane, Patty’s mom, wasn’t married yet (although she was dating her husband) so her kids weren’t even thoughts. (Well maybe they were thoughts. haha.) My godson was seven years old.

So many things hadn’t happened yet.

Thanks to Suzanne (my organ donor) I was able to see all these things, and more.

Maddie: Six months!

MadeleineEmily DeArdo1 Comment

I CANNOT believe that Madeleine Grace is six months old! Holy moly!

We’re leading off with a picture of her in the Stanley Cup Champion Avalanche onesie that people at the grocery store dearly loved (as well as dearly loving her cuteness).

Here’s what she can do, what she likes, and what she dislikes, at six months!


Feed herself bottle pretty much independently 

Sit in high chairs/ shopping cart! (See above!)


Trying to crawl 

Brush teeth 

Look for objects when she drops them

Very vocal! Especially when she is not paid attention to

Sleeps with her pacifier and will grab it to self soothe, she likes chilling in her crib before we get her.


Baths and the baby pool! (Hoping to do “big kid” pool soon)


Sitting in the high chair 

Duke the Doggie—She laughs when she sees him and when he gives her kisses

Falling asleep to audiobooks.  She will turn her head toward Alexa when Mom hasn’t turned it on yet.

Tummy time.  She just loves to move!

Going to the park and watching all the bikers/ walkers. 

Playing with her feet

Going on a adventures 

The lotion song, or basically any song (Melanie has many, many songs for Maddie, they’re all adorable)

Playing with her feet 

Being outside 


When mommy is out of sight

When other people put her bed 

Sitting too long— she gets bored 

When people are talking but not to her (ha! This sounds a lot like when her mother was little :) )

When she is tired

When she drops her bottle / ball 

Staying still for diaper changes (Her Aunt Emily also struggled with this. :)

Photo Gallery


One month

two months

3 months

4 months

5 months!

Six months, cowgirl!

Maddie: Five Months!

MadeleineEmily DeArdo2 Comments

Folks, I can’t believe Maddie is five months old.

I just cannot.

Do you see her teeth?!

Here’s the round-up!

New Things

 -two teeth! And a third is emerging!

-has rolled back to front!  (Once but rolls on her side all the time)

- can pivot on her belly!  Very close to crawling.

-starting to laugh!

-can pass toys back and forth between hands

-starting to sit up unsupported


-being on the floor (aka, the Maddie Olympics)

-being in her carrier

-seeing the world

-new toys! Loves knocking over her blocks, the rolling bell.

-caterpillar coffee time! (Caterpillar==her chair. It’s the best.)

- being read to (if she can stay still for it). I loved reading to her when we visited.

-grabbing everything mommy and daddy have (clothing, glasses, food, drinks)

-has pet Duke and Bella. (Duke is their dog, and Bella is their kitty). Bella is neutral on the subject, but Duke licked her feet!

-stroller, as long as she’s looking out!
-playing with her owls in her crib (The owls are a paper banner of….owls (ha!) that are hung on the room-facing side of her crib. She has now discovered she can play with them. I think they might not be long for this world now that she has found this out.)

-listening to audio books to help her fall asleep.

-dancing/ singing to music

-looking in the mirror


-Being held or restrained (unless it’s in her carrier)- she wants to move!!

-Putting her arms in sleeves.

-Being tired

-hungry… again (tired+hungry=hangry baby!)

-wearing her sleep mittens (she will bite them off!)

-having her nails filed.

-being left in her crib too long after waking up (see wants to see people, above)

Monthly photos:

Meeting Miss Maddie

family, Madeleine, travelEmily DeArdoComment

My parents and I just got back from Colorado, where we finally got to meet Miss Maddie!

Let me tell you, it was a lot of love.

She smiles. A lot.

She ponders which key to hit!

I know I have a really large bias here, being her aunt and all, but I have to say that Maddie is just precious. She’s so alert! You can almost see the wheels turning in her head when she’s trying to figure something out (like rolling over—so close!). When she met us for the first time, you could tell she thought we were familiar, but here we were in person, not in a little screen!

Maddie checking us out for the first time.

I am so glad we were able to go visit, and also glad that things like FAceTime are available. I honestly don’t know how people did it back in the day. Think about the beginning of Little House on the Prairie. Caroline and Charles’ parents never saw Grace. They never saw their children and grand-children again after they left. Of course they had letters, but that’s not the same. At least I can see and talk to Maddie and she can talk to me! (And my sister and brother-in-law, of course!) It makes distance somewhat more bearable.

Madeleine was baptized on Saturday at their parish:

And she was a very good girl through it, even if she did have a bottle right before Mass started and um, spit some of that back up before we got to the font. :) But it was OK she was a champ during the actual baptism itself. She didn’t seem to like the baptismal garment very much, although it was very pretty! She kept tugging at it.

Maddie also has a very cute habit of only wearing one sock/one shoe and getting rid of the others. It’s very Cinderella. (As you can see in the photo at the top of the post.) Apparently she only needs one sock or one shoe, the other foot can go bare, it’s fine.

She also likes to feed herself!

I got this, Aunt Em.

But feeding her and reading to her is awfully fun.

And she is, indeed, my little sunshine.

I will definitely miss being greeted like this

And I’ll miss seeing my sister and brother in law every day.
And cuddling Maddie.

And playing on the floor.

I’m not sure when the next time we’ll see them will be. I hope it’s soon.

Until then, I’ll just keep looking at the pictures my sister sends, and sending her cute clothes and books. :)

Maddie: Four months!

MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

May the Fourth Be With You!

Maddie is four months old today! And she’s being baptized on Saturday! Yayyyy! (Her baptism outfit is so cute. I can’t wait to show you.)

Here’s the monthly update:


Cooing and laughing! She likes to talk!

Two teeth are coming in

rolls front to back and almost back to front

loves tummy time (this is a change from HATING TUMMY TIME!)

Holds her own bottle!

Fishy is her new buddy


her chews life rosary!

Caterpillar chair (this thing is AWESOME)

front facing stroller

Duke, their dog (she smiles/laughs whenever she sees him!)

She LOVES being sung to and tries to sing back!

Loves reading, especially Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Looking in the mirror and smiling when she sees hreself

Outdoor swing!

“The Olympics”—mat time. I call it “Maddie Disneyland”:

Find the baby!


Putting her arms in sleeves!

Being hungry (I feel ya, Maddie)

When you don’t let her hold the bottle…..but then she gets mad when it falls out of her mouth!

Monthly photos:

One month

Two months

Three months

Four months!

Maddie is Three Months Old!

family, MadeleineEmily DeArdo1 Comment

Yay, Maddie! :)

She is the sweetest baby I have ever seen, and she’s so happy! She loves her little morning chats with Melanie. :)

(Here she is at two months and here’s one month)

Here’s the low down on Miss Maddie at three months old


—pacifier (Longhorn buddy, also Elephant buddy, also plain pacifiers!)

—Food, but WARM FOOD, thank you very much.

—reading! She and mommy have reading time now.

—people. People. More people. Did I mention people?

—Her swing and her play gym.


—Duke the dog!

—going to church

—going places in general

—her carrier (Patty also REALLY likes her carrier)

—smiling is her favorite!

—talking. Apparently she has a lot to say!


—napping alone in her crib

—the cold milk dislike continues

—being cold

—being bored!

—having a messy/wet diaper

—not being able to see people (see people person, above)

—gas! poor baby!

I can’t believe how much she’s grown in the past month. I mean look at this:

She just keeps getting cuter, as evidenced below:

Her dad went to UT, hence the Longhorn gear. :)

Maddie is Two Months Old!

family, MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

I cannot believe that Madeleine is two months old already! Time flies!

Here she was last month!

Things that she likes and dislikes at two months old:


  • pacifier, especially her Longhorn Buddy

  • food :)

  • cuddles!

  • Her swing

  • naps

  • New this month: Her play gym. Holy cow does she love her play gym, especially kicking and grabbing the clouds, rainbow, elephant, and star!

At first she wasn’t too sure about the Elephant. Now they are buds.

  • Also, SMILING! She’s smiling a lot more and it’s just adorable. She smiles whenever she sees Mel and/or Jason!

Checking out her toys! Also that onesie is from Auntie Em. :) :) I love dressing her.

She also took her first trip to a ski resort—Jason loves to snowboard.

Mel and Maddie on the cabin deck. This is one of my favorite photos.

She also still loves music! Mel will even put her in her baby wearer and play the piano, which Maddie enjoys.

As far as dislikes:

  • baths have moved into the “I’m OK with them” category, so yay!

  • Messy diapers.

  • Being interrupted when she’s eating

  • Being held too long—she wants to sit up and look around and PLAY!

  • Cold milk! (If it’s a bottle right from the fridge)

  • Being left alone too long! Again, she wants to be around people!

She has a very sweet personality and beautiful eyes! Also, she and Patty wore that onesie at the same time last week, which just cracked me up. They’re twinning.

We’re so lucky to have this little doll in our lives.

Madeleine is one month old!

MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

Madeleine, my niece, is ONE MONTH OLD! I can’t believe it. I’ve been an aunt for a month! My sister and my BIL have been parents for a month!

Melanie (my sister) and Jason (her husband) are doing such a good job. They are just loving the pants off this little sweetheart and are such good parents. It makes me so happy to see them with their daughter. It really is strange to see my little sister as a mother. It makes me proud, but it’s also like, you were just this age! And now you have a daughter! (Cue “Sunrise, Sunset”)

Currently, Maddie likes her pacifier with her little Longhorn Buddy (Jason went to the University of Texas), being snuggled, EATING, and naps. She is also crazy alert and when she’s awake she wants to know everything that is going on! She loves her swing as well, which is funny because her mommy did too. And she likes music and loves when Mel and Jason sing to her.

She very much dislikes her baths, which I’m hoping she’ll grow out of, because baths are fun! She also does not like being burped because she just wants to eaaaaat.

So, that’s the Madeleine at one month dossier. She is just the cutest little person and I love watching her grow!