Hospital lobby at 6:45 AM :)
The port is dead, long live the port!
So last Thursday I had my old port—17 years, RIP!—taken out, and a new POWER PORT put in! (Power ports enable me to get things like contrast for CT scans through my port instead of trying to find a vein for that. They’re GOOD!)
This was a sort of complicated thing, because it involved both sides of my chest. I wasn’t sure where they’d put the new port, and the doctors decided to put it on my right side. So they had to take out the old port—which was buried pretty well, because I weighed ninety pounds when it was put in!—and then put in the new port on the right side, which apparently is the “preferred side” for port placement. Whatever!
This wasn’t done in an OR or under general anesthesia, like my first one was. This was “twilight sedation”, which is what I get for my bronchoscopies—you’re sedated, but you can still talk and respond to commands. I don’t remember anything from the actual procedure. They apparently had to give me more sedation than they thought, probably for two reasons: one, they had to go int through my neck to place the new port and I HATE having my neck messed with, and two, my face was covered by the surgical drape, and I don’t like that either. I was sort of freaking out about that when I fell asleep, so I’ not surprised my subconscious was still freaking out.
(It’s weird. I don’t mind masks and things on my face—like aerosol or oxygen masks. But if I’m flat on my back I hate it. I don’t know why. It’s a thing!)
Anyway, we were home by lunch time. The dressings are off, and now I have steri-strips, instead of stitches, that are still healing. This limits my ability to turn my head and how I move my upper body, which is a bit annoying, and of course impairs driving (can’t turn my head all the way to see things).
I’m not in a lot of pain which is nice. Sleeping is still sort of hard. But fortunately this week is entirely clear so I can just hang out at home and work on knitted Christmas gifts and read while things heal up.
So, I’m doing fine, glad to have my new port!