Emily M. DeArdo



Living Memento Mori is a Book Club Selection--And You Can Join!

the bookEmily DeArdoComment

I’m thrilled that Living Memento Mori has been selected as part of the Seton Shrine’s Memento Mori book club series!

The other books in the series are written by Sr. Theresa Aletheia, who wrote the foreword! So you know this is going to be a great series.

The Seton Shrine is the shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, located in Emmitsburg, MD. You can register for the online book club here; it starts on October 13 (so next Thursday!) I will be joining the book club on the last meeting date (November 17) to do a Q&A!

You can purchase your copy directly from the Shrine if you don’t already have a copy.

You can also register for the entire Memento Mori series and save 35%!

The Seton Shrine is home to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s grave, a basilica, a museum, and several historical sites. It’s a wonderful place to visit and I am so glad they chose my book for their book club!

I hope to see you there (virtually, that is)!

Signing at the CCWC

the bookEmily DeArdoComment

Saturday was a big day—my first ever book signing!

I was sort of nervous—what if no one wanted it, what if I just sat there like an idiot?—but that evaporated pretty quickly. The signing began during the breakfast break, so right after Mass ended I was at the Ave Maria Press table with fellow Ave Author Elizabeth Tomlin. We joked that the conference could have been sponsored by Ave Maria Press, since almost all of the speakers (4/5!) were Ave authors, and thus there were book signings all day! The Ave table was huge.

Even before Mass, I was prowling around the table, checking on my babies, which the AMP ladies had so nicely displayed….



(No, the book is not $12—that’s the conference price. :) It’s $13.95.)

I really loved the Ave ladies—they were so fun and so encouraging!

Fellow Ave Author Elizabeth Tomlin and I with our books! And yes, that’s Sister Miriam James’ books next to ours—she spoke at the conference and is a fellow Ave Author.

Fellow Ave Author Elizabeth Tomlin and I with our books! And yes, that’s Sister Miriam James’ books next to ours—she spoke at the conference and is a fellow Ave Author.

I have no idea how many books I signed, but I loved meeting people and talking about my book. Since this is my “home” conference I saw a lot of people I knew , which made it even better.

And I got to see the materials the fabulous Ave art department had made for me: now I have book marks and prayer cards!


You can sort of see them in this picture—this was taken from my vantage point behind the AMP table. I’ll take better photos and share them later because they are great. I also have bookplates! So if you bought a copy of the book and want my signature in it, I can send you a signed book plate! Just email me and we’ll get that done. You can also contact me for signed books!

I managed to do my conference shopping before the day really began—an advantage to getting up at 5:15 and getting to the center at 6:15!—and I’ll share with you the great shops I found in another post. But here’s one of the things I just loved:


My Dominican loving heart was overjoyed by this great sticker!

I also managed to steal away to have some time in the adoration chapel (vital!) and listen to some of the day’s great speakers. It was a long but great day!