OK , first of all--
Jeopardy on Monday.
Check your local listings and all that. :-p
I'll be on Jen Fulwiler's radio show on the Sirius XM Catholic Channel on Monday!
If you have Sirius, tune in. If you don't, there might be an iTunes link. I will try to post.
On Sunday, my parents took me out to celebrate The Anniversary. We wanted to go to Fado, the place where we had eaten dinner right before I got my call, but it's an Irish pub that shows European Soccer, and there was a huge game on. So we went to PF Chang's instead, which is just as delightful.
After that, my parents surprised me with a super-duper treat.
Chocolate fondue, people.
Sadly, I have no pictures of the Gloriousness that was Chocolate Caramel Toffee fondue, with magical pieces of fruit, a blondie, rice krispy treats, pound cake, and a brownie. Yes, all of that, per person. You got a lovely little tray of items to dip in the bubbling, magical chocolate.
Guys, I would've married that fondue. Or at least licked the bowl if it wasn't so crazy hot. I didn't feel like burning my tongue.
But it was so delightful. Right now, writing about it, I'm salivating. I want more! MOREEEE!
And if you're not an organ donor, and you have an iPhone, you can sign up RIGHT FROM THE PHONE, people! RIGHT FROM YOUR PHONE! You don't even have to go to a pesky website!
Do it. Really. Sign up.
Oh, you want to know why?
Well, if not knowing me isn't cool enough.....here's a list of some of the things I've done post transplant.
Gone to California; gone to Boston; gone to NYC and Chicago; discovered the epic-ness that is the Outer Banks; been in a ton of theater; tried tofu; been on Jeopardy!; been to Disneyland; eaten in Beverly Hills; started pin collecting; gotten my own apartment; had several jobs; left the job to be a freelancer; written a few novels and a memoir (that eventually someone will want to publish....)
Seen my godson graduate from high school; seen my sister graduate from high school and college; seen my brother graduate from college and become a Steeler sportswriter; Penguin Stanley Cups!; been my cousin Paige's confirmation sponsor; pinned my sister at her graduation from nursing school; seen multiple small children be born that I never would've seen other wise (and that would have made the guy below SAD)
No transplant, no meeting Justin. He's only seven.
Been in my other cousin Justin's wedding, and met his adorable kids....
Been in a million OTHER weddings, including this couple's....
These people rock my world. A lot.
Met hundreds of people I wouldn't have met otherwise; been to Edel with awesome, awesome people; become a Lay Dominican; read the Outlander books (this would've made my life so sad, people....to not know Jamie and Claire!).....and about a thousand others....seen the resurgence of the Pirates into a good baseball team!....
Organ donation doesn't just save one person. It saves families. It saves friends. It saves entire networks of people. I mean, not that I'm all that or anything, but I do have friends and family that would miss me (I hope!). I would've missed so much without these 11 extra years.
Guys. Be an organ donor. Save lives. Give people joy and grace.