Linking up with Kelly!
I was in Colorado last week (hence why no blog posting!) for my sister’s bachelorette weekend. I’d never been to Colorado before!
One of the floral butterflies in Downtown Denver
The Collegiate Peaks in Buena Vista
Mel and I at Mt. Princeton Hot Springs.
I’ll write more about Denver next week, but here’s what I learned, in short, about going to altitude:
Drink a lot of water. Like, insane amounts.
Bring saline nasal spray. My nose was SO dry!
Bring a portable charger, because altitude seems to drain phone batteries faster
Our trip included Denver (my sister lives in Littleton) and Buena Vista, where the cabin weekend was held. I didn’t realize it was sort of desert-y down there. I should’ve expected it, but some how, I didn’t. I had never been in that sort of environment before, so it was definitely a new experience. I learned that I like green!
Anyway, more on CO next week. It’s been awhile since I’ve done some travel posts, so it’ll be fun!
Amy Welborn wrote a great piece about Mother’s Day and parishes, and I’d encourage you to read it.
Mother’s Day is, to put it nicely, fraught. I really don’t think it should be celebrated as part of the Mass. Mass is for the worship of God, not for the worship of ourselves. If parishes want to do something for mothers (or graduates, or whatever), then they can do it after Mass. Blessings, etc.? After Mass.
I know so many people who are struggling with infertility. I, myself, will never have children. Let’s also think about people who have lost their mothers, or have not-great relationships with their mothers, or have other issues with their moms. Let’s realize this. Sure, mothers are important! (Love you, Mom! :) )
But do we need to make it such a big part of the Mass?
Same thing with Father’s Day. And also, I don’t think we do Father’s day nearly as much as we do mother’s day.
Celebrate your mom, but parishes, please do this after Mass.
And for the love of the Lord, do not make people hug their mothers at Mass! (see the comments in the article for that one.)
(And yes, I love my mother. :) This isn’t about not loving Mom!)
And because it’s my blog, I’ll expound a little more. One of the comments at the bottom of Amy’s post was all about “celebrating” at Mass. Having visitors stand up, or graduates be recognized, or birthday people be recognized.
I got one word for this:
People. Mass is not the time for this.
If you want to recognize birthdays, do it in a bulletin.
You want to recognize the grads? Have a reception in June after a Mass.
I CRINGE at the thought of making visitors stand up. I hate this. Why do you think a visitor would want to be recognized?! And what does that have to do with Mass? (This visitor never wants to be recognized. Ever. Just let me come to Mass.)
Yes, I realize I’m an old and cranky person here.
But I think it was Benedict XVI who said something like, if we’re applauding during Mass, we’ve completely lost the plot. (I’m paraphrasing, obviously)
Mass is not about us.
If you want to celebrate community things, that’s great. Do it after Mass.
Well, that felt good. LOL. .
Writing of the book is going well. My next newsletter for subscribers should be sent out next week, so if you’re not a subscriber, do it now!
I’m 2/3 of the way done with the manuscript. This week has been some hard sledding but you know, the important thing is to get words on a page. So that’s been happening. You can edit words on a page. You can’t edit a blank one.
I also had my first mammogram this week. My mom had breast cancer at age 47, so I had to get my baseline done 10 years before her diagnosis—hence, at 37. Since I turned 37 last month, it was time.
I was nervous about it—I’d heard horror stories about it hurting, especially with transplant scars (this might be TMI, but—for my transplant, the incisions are about where a bra underwire is).
But I had a great, careful tech, who made sure that nothing was pinching, and it wasn’t really bad at all. Yeah, the skin is being squished, but that didn’t really hurt.
Ladies—you need to get a mammogram at age 40. You might have to do it earlier, if you’re like me and have family history. Please, please, please check your own screening requirements and set this up.
(And finally, if you missed it, there was a yarn along on Wednesday!)