Emily M. DeArdo


Seven Quick Takes--ApMaJu 301651

7 Quick TakesEmily DeArdo6 Comments
seven quick takes.jpg


Do we know what month or day it is? It’s hard to remember at this point, but in June I have a bazillion doctor appointments so I’ll probably start to remember what day it is!


Around the blog this week:

Wednesday Notebook #11

Review of Living Memento Mori in the Catholic Times!

Also, book club every Tuesday at 3:00 EST on my facebook page! If you want to jump in now, you can! All the past episodes are on the FB page under the “video” tab.


This sketchbook challenge kicks off on Monday and I am totally into it.


The cardigan GROWS!!!!! I am so excited to update you on it—that’ll be happening on Wednesday, monthly yarn along day, so keep a look out. Here are all the posts about it so far.

a little tease for you……

a little tease for you……


I have a bunch of doctor appointments in June, and I’m nervous about them. Some of them because they’re new people, and I have to break them in. Some of them, because I don’t know what the masking protocol is. Normally I tell people to take off their masks so I can lip read—and they do it. Will they do it now? I have no idea. So that is making me nervous, big time.

Yes, I want people to be protected. But I also want to understand what people are saying. I don’t think you can really grasp how frustrating and upsetting it is until you’ve experienced it yourself—to not be able to really communicate. It’s hard and frustrating and sometimes it’s actually scary, like if I’m in an ER alone.



I haven’t been reading and I need to get back to that. There are so many books to read and I want to read but also part of me just wants to veg out—even though I know that’s not the way to be. That’s really been the roughest part of quarantine for me, how different every single day is. And of course my sleep schedule is shot to hell.


I have (or will have had, by the time this is live) a telehealth appointment with my endocrinologist. Hopefully we can….discuss things? Like, where should my blood glucose levels be? Why are they sometimes wacky and sometimes not? Do I need “rescue” insulin? Do I need to test ketones? Etc. etc. Since it’s a telehealth appt. we can’t test my A1c ( a helpful little number in treating diabetes and gauging how well current treatment is going), so….I guess we’ll get it when I see my (new) transplant team? NO IDEA, because we don’t have a blood draw scheduled then. And blood draws with me are just so fraught anyway. Normally A1c is just a finger stick.