Emily M. DeArdo


Seven Quick Takes--I went to the dentist!!!!!

7 Quick TakesEmily DeArdo4 Comments
seven quick takes.jpg


It’s that kinda time when going to the dentist is considered to be A THING.

So I went to the dentist—my first IN PERSON DOCTOR APPOINTMENT—since this all started. Fortunately, my teeth are in excellent shape, no cavities, and my mouth is behaving.

The reason this is A Thing is because dental health is actually connected to health, in general, which some people don’t know. If you’d heard all the horror stories from my transplant team about dental health they’ve seen, you’d be nervous about missing dental appointments, too!

But, fortunately, teeth are good, and we’re back on a regular schedule.


The cardigan progresses nicely!


Just about everything is opening up here, or on the way—zoos and such are the next thing to open, and movie theaters are in there, too. The movie theater in my town is a big economic driver, so it’s been really weird to see it sitting empty for all these months.

Churches are open, but I still haven’t gone. I don’t know if I’ll go until next month—I’m just not sure.


Here’s a little graphic I made last night. Actually, two of them.

I was re-reading Christy last night—one of my favorites—and these two quotes jumped out at me.

evil is real and powerful .png

To me, this first quote is essential. We have to decide, every day, how we’re going to live our lives. How we’re going to treat people, how we’re going to bring Christ to people. That can be as simple as a smile, or as complex as being a martyr. What does God want for you? This is something that we each have to listen for in prayer. Not everyone’s way of bringing the Gospel is the same. All the saints are fabulously different, and thank God for that. The variety is what makes us Catholic—worldwide, universal.

Here’s the next one….


_Those who have never rebelled against God or at some point in their lives shaken their fists in the face of haven, have never encounter God at all._ (1).png

This is a big thing for me. If you’ve read Living Memento Mori, you know that! God can handle our anger. God can handle our fears and our screams and our fury. Engage honestly with God.

If you don’t think this is true—then, like Miss Alice in the book, I’m going to tell you to read Job and to read The Psalms. There’s a lot of crying and despair in those. But what happens?

The Lord lifts David and Job back up.

So, those are two quotes I thought I’d share with you, and I made them pretty! :)


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How are you doing? What’s going on in your life?