Emily M. DeArdo


Maddie: Eleven months!

family, MadeleineEmily DeArdoComment

In less than a month, Madeleine will be a YEAR OLD! In the words of Mr. Mom, “I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it!”

She’s had a big month! She’s had her first Thanksgiving….

She clearly loved it all.

She wondered at her parents bringing a tree into the house…including a little one for her!

And she has her own Advent/Christmas corner—she loves playing with the Advent calendar characters in each day’s slot!

She and Duke the Dog weren’t too sure about this light up, dancing Santa that Daddy gave them…

She met Santa….

And saw Christmas lights…

So basically it’s been a huge month for Maddie.

She’s been crawling like crazy, pulling herself up, and growing by leaps and bounds. I cannot wait to see her next month for her first birthday party! And most likely, by then, she’ll have a cousin! (My brother and SIL are having their first baby basically anytime now. :)) In one year, my niece quotient has doubled, and I am pretty darn happy about that.

Mommy and Maddie at the doctor’s :) Maddie is, as usual, cheesing. :)

Monthly photo gallery: