Emily M. DeArdo


Maddie: Five Months!

MadeleineEmily DeArdo2 Comments

Folks, I can’t believe Maddie is five months old.

I just cannot.

Do you see her teeth?!

Here’s the round-up!

New Things

 -two teeth! And a third is emerging!

-has rolled back to front!  (Once but rolls on her side all the time)

- can pivot on her belly!  Very close to crawling.

-starting to laugh!

-can pass toys back and forth between hands

-starting to sit up unsupported


-being on the floor (aka, the Maddie Olympics)

-being in her carrier

-seeing the world

-new toys! Loves knocking over her blocks, the rolling bell.

-caterpillar coffee time! (Caterpillar==her chair. It’s the best.)

- being read to (if she can stay still for it). I loved reading to her when we visited.

-grabbing everything mommy and daddy have (clothing, glasses, food, drinks)

-has pet Duke and Bella. (Duke is their dog, and Bella is their kitty). Bella is neutral on the subject, but Duke licked her feet!

-stroller, as long as she’s looking out!
-playing with her owls in her crib (The owls are a paper banner of….owls (ha!) that are hung on the room-facing side of her crib. She has now discovered she can play with them. I think they might not be long for this world now that she has found this out.)

-listening to audio books to help her fall asleep.

-dancing/ singing to music

-looking in the mirror


-Being held or restrained (unless it’s in her carrier)- she wants to move!!

-Putting her arms in sleeves.

-Being tired

-hungry… again (tired+hungry=hangry baby!)

-wearing her sleep mittens (she will bite them off!)

-having her nails filed.

-being left in her crib too long after waking up (see wants to see people, above)

Monthly photos: