Emily M. DeArdo


book club

Celebrating Living Memento Mori 5th Anniversary! 📖

2025, book club, Catholicism, LentEmily DeArdoComment

Living Memento Mori 5th Anniversary banner with a picture of Emily and her father when she got her first physical copy of her book.

Can you believe it’s been 5 years since Living Memento Mori was published? We know if Emily was still here she would be have made a post to celebrate (here is her post celebrating the 1st anniversay), so we wanted to honor her legacy. Lent starts this year on March 5th and now it the perfect time to pick up your copy of her book and use it as a companion for your journey this year.

You can buy her book using the options below and be sure to check out the awesome testimonials from Amazon!

Pick up a copy of Emily’s book:
Ave Marie Press
Seton Shrine

3 testimonials from Amazon for Living Memento Mori

Emily’s Commentaries

We also wanted to share archived videos from Emily of her book club commentary on each chapter of her book, Living Memento Mori. These would be great if you’re using her book for a book club or for your individual journey through as well. These are housed on Facebook, so please sign in to access them!
(Click the image below).

Emily’s commentary video library. Click the image to go to library. Sign into Facebook to see videos.

Seven Quick Takes: Bioethics and Knitting!

7 Quick Takes, Catholicism, Catholic 101, book club, books, Dominicans, knitting, life issues, organ donation, transplantEmily DeArdoComment
The Virgin Mary with St. Dominic and St. Hyacinth

The Virgin Mary with St. Dominic and St. Hyacinth

So pray the rosary today, because the DOMINICANS GOT IT FROM MARY. :) One of the reasons I love being a Dominican!


Sometimes I talk about bioethics here. Today is a crash course.

One of the things I get a lot of is, “Does the Church [The Catholic Church] permit organ transplants and organ donation?”

Quick answer: Yes.

“What about from brain dead people?” (aka, neurological criteria)

Answer: yes

This…is a point of contention for some Catholics.

The National Catholic Bioethics Center talks about this all in detail. Here, to make it one-stop shopping, I am listing the following for you!:

organ donation: Church documents, Ethics & Medics, FAQ and Summaries, podcasts, Press Releases and News, Statements, book store items

the most important, and probably useful thing, to most of you, is this: FAQ On the Determination of Death Using Neurological Criteria.


So, if you don’t want to read all that…..cut and paste!

What is brain death?

“Brain death” refers to the medical judgment that a person is dead, determined by neurological criteria. Properly diagnosed, brain death means the complete cessation of all organized neurological activity throughout the entire brain, including the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem. When all brain activity has ceased, the body irrevocably ceases to function as a unified whole. The appropriate phraseology here is “the determination of death using neurological criteria.”

It is appropriate to use this criteria?

The customary criteria for determining death are "cardio-pulmonary," i.e., death is declared after breathing and heart-beat cease. Technological advancements in critical care, however, have made continued circulation and respiration possible through mechanical means even after brain function has ceased. The use of neurological criteria for the determination of death can be legitimate according to the Catholic Church. In an address he gave to the [18th International Conference of Organ Transplant Specialists][1] in August 2000, Pope Saint John Paul II observed that their application, if rigorous, “does not seem to conflict with the essential elements of a sound anthropology.” He further stated that “a health-worker professionally responsible for ascertaining death can use these criteria in each individual case as the basis for arriving at that degree of assurance in ethical judgement which moral teaching describes as ‘moral certainty.’ This moral certainty is considered the necessary and sufficient basis for an ethically correct course of action.” Neurological criteria consist of three basic signs: deep coma or unarousable unresponsiveness, absence of cerebral and brain stem reflexes, and apnea. Pope Pius XII and Pope John Paul II both said the Church has no competency in determining death; this properly belongs to medical science. [1]: http://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/2000/jul-sep/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_20000829_transplants.html

Can a Catholic receive an organ transplant?

Yes, a faithful Catholic may receive organs from a donor who is declared dead by neurological criteria. A faithful Catholic may also make provisions for the donation of his own organs in the event of his death whether it is determined by cardio-pulmonary or neurological criteria. Reasonable doubts about the rigor with which the determination of death would be made, however, may warrant caution.

Now, note that last part. In some places, like China, organ harvesting takes place in, um, less that salubrious ways. (To put it REALLY mildly.) So yeah, if you’re in a. place where there was be questions about this…..then yes. You can ask. You can say you don’t want a transplant.

I can say, myself, that if the Church said no to transplants, I would not have gotten one. Full stop. End of discussion. I’m dead serious. (Really, dead serious, because I would’ve…been dead! Oh, my black humor sometimes.)


OK I think we’re done with the serious now. :) But yes, the Church, like the rabbi said in Fiddler on the Roof, has a position on everything! :)

(In Fiddler, it’s, “Rabbi, Is there a blessing for the Czar?” “There is a blessing for everything my son!…May God bless and keep the czar….far away from us!” )

Check the Catechism. In fact, you do have a Catechism at home, right????? (Because seriously, you should.)


I didn’t do a yarn along this week, but next week! Yarn! But here’s a peek at Patty’s baby blanket….



If you want a signed book, email me; they’re $20 and include a book mark, prayer card, AND shipping! It’s time to start thinking about Christmas! :) :) I also have an ebook!


Book club is still happening! My BGLs have been nuts so it’s sort of thrown off the schedule, but it you want to jump in, you can! All the previous videos are on my Facebook page. On Tuesday we’ll be meeting at 3:00 EST!


Seven Quick Takes--June Is Bustin' Out All Over

7 Quick Takes, book club, Catholic 101, Dominicans, health, transplant, women saints seriesEmily DeArdo5 Comments
seven quick takes.jpg


Since it’s Corpus Christi this weekend….

tolkien eucharist.jpg

Gosh I love Corpus Christi! Of course I’m not going back to Mass yet. So I’ll have to celebrate at home. I might go back to Mass in July. I have a doctor appointment later this month and we’ll talk about those things.


From the blog this week

Heart Note

I’ve stopped the Wednesday Notebooks—did you like them? Because I can bring them back. Let me know in the comments!


Also, one of my perennial favorite posts: The Real Lucy Pevensie


So this week is sort of the “calm before the storm” in a sense. I had nothing scheduled all week. I’ve enjoyed it. :) Next week, however, it gets a little crazy: I see my ENT on Tuesday and I’m really happy about that because man, do things need checked and cleaned out. I see my dermatologist on Wednesday. And on Friday, I have my yearly transplant tests, but they’re at the New Center, so it’ll be….interesting. I mean the tests are all tests I’ve done before. But it’s new people and a new setting and I have no idea how The Mask Thing will go—because usually, medical professionals take them off so I. can understand them. Will that fly here? No idea. Sigh. I’m a little nervous about that.

Friday is also my dad’s birthday! And then my BIL’s birthday is on the 21st, and Mom’s is on the 22nd, and their anniversary (Mom and Dad’s) is the 30th, and that’s also my grandma’s 90th birthday!!! (And my sister and BIL have their anniversary on Saturday!)



The week after I have my first appointment at the New Center. Same doctor, but a much larger team—with more doctors as well, so it’ll really be like my old CF center, where you have multiple docs but there’s one who usually follows you. I will report back on how this goes.


I’m also adjusting my insulin, and wow, whenever I adjust it, my body gets cranky. I had some sort of bug on Tuesday this week, so that’s why no book club. And I’m hungry. Which is normal when you adjust insulin but it doesn’t make me any happier to know that it’s normal!


Finally some book business!

If you would like a signed copy: They are $20. Email me here. The price includes shipping and book gooides!

If you have a copy and would like a signed book plate, those are $3. Again, email me. You also get book goodies.

I also have an ebook, Catholic 101, that is $5!

Book Club is on THURSDAY next week because of the various doctor appointments. :) So Thursday at 3:00 on my Facebook Writer Page. Previous book club videos are also there, so you can catch up to your heart’s content!

The Living Memento Mori Book Club!

book clubEmily DeArdoComment
Lavender Parfumerie.png

I am so delighted to bring you this virtual book club!

I know, Lent’s over, but I still think it’s worth getting together to talk about Living Memento Mori, because it’s a message we need all the time, not just during Lent.

Here are the details:

The kick-off is Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 3:00 on my Facebook page.

The entire schedule of meeting dates can be found here. We’ll meet every Tuesday at 3:00 on my page from May 12-August 18, so this will run almost all summer. We’re taking a chapter a week, and there are fourteen chapters, plus the epilogue.

You can purchase the book at Amazon, Ave Maria Press (where it’s on sale until April 30!), or any other bookstore (links to various retailers can be found here).

It doesn’t matter if you use an e-book or a hard copy—we’re just taking it a chapter a week, so flip to the appropriate chapter.

I’m really looking forward to doing this with you! If you have any questions, drop them in the comments and I’ll answer them!